During the holidays, many families take road trips to see extended family. Driving is generally less expensive than flying, and there are no long waits at airports. But when traveling by car during the holiday season, it’s crucial to make sure you and your car are well prepared. Continue reading
Getting out of a nice and cozy warm bed to go outside and exercise when it is freezing cold may not be your idea of a good time. But exercising in the cold has several benefits over doing it in warm weather. Specifically, it:
Burns More Calories
It’s true, exercising outdoors in the winter ramps up your metabolism and in the end, you burn more calories than if you had exercised in warm weather.
Part of the reason is it takes more energy to keep your body warm when it is cold outside. Depending on what you are doing, the exercise itself can burn a lot of calories.
Take cross country skiing at a brisk speed for example; calories burned are 544 per hour. Snowshoeing is another high calorie winter sport at 476 calories per hour. And both sports are something different from your normal routine so they can prevent boredom, not to mention the wonderful landscape you’ll see. Continue reading
The term ‘superfood’ is reserved for foods that are very nutrient dense, and full of vitamins and minerals. There are certain superfoods that are available in the winter and go perfectly with all those seasonal recipes.
There are also superfoods that contain important nutrients to help with illnesses during the season, and are highly recommended to use during the winter. Here are some of the best ones:
Leafy Greens
The first superfood you should start eating to help with your winter illnesses and overall health in general is your leafy greens. These include any of your dark, leafy lettuces, such as spinach, kale, collard greens, and mustard greens. Continue reading