All Things Winter

How to Fight Flu with Vitamin D

You may have heard of fighting colds with Vitamin C, but fighting the flu with Vitamin D may be new to you. Exposure to sunshine helps the body manufacture Vitamin D, and Vitamin D boosts the body’s own virus-fighting ability. This, along with other factors, is why colds and flu increase in the wintertime when there is less sunlight. If you want to use Vitamin D to prevent the flu this year, here is how. Continue reading

Decorating and Cozying Up Your Home for the Dark Winter Months

There’s something almost dreary about the winter months. The sun may not shine for weeks on end and then there are the snow clouds which make the days seem dark. You may not be able to do anything about the weather outdoors, but decorating and cozying up your home for the dark winter months can make all the difference in the world in your outlook. Continue reading

Winter Weight Gain – How to Avoid It

It is something many people contend with each year; once the winter months arrive, so do the extra pounds. It’s frustrating, but how do you avoid it? The following ideas may give you the information you need to avoid gaining weight this winter. Continue reading